Friday, March 2, 2007

James Hunter

We went to "the Phoenix" last night (June 20th, 2007) to see James Hunter. A great pre-show dinner at "Spadina Garden" (on Dundas, just west of Bay) with my brother and his wife, our friends Patricia & Doug, and my hockey-buddy Colin, his wife and their friend. We had tons of delectable food there, then all moved on over to the show. My impressions of James Hunter live: This guy is fantastic! He's from England, and has been on tour with Van Morrison. His voice is very rough, but pleasing nonetheless. He sounds like a softer version of John Hiatt, singing songs that could have come from the 60's by people like Sam Cooke. Close to a perfect concert with lots of energy and a very nice personality and humour coming through from the star of the show. If you like music, you really need to have his "People Gonna Talk"CD in your collection. The website gives a lot of samples of his music as well as an amusing little interview clip.

(note: one of those pretty special nights when one reflects that you have lots more years behind you than ahead of you, and that this is exactly the kind of thing you should be doing more often...that is spending time with people you enjoy, having great meals at interesting places, and listening to live music in a very intimate setting like the Phoenix. you know, "plan for tomorrow, but live for today")

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